Our work is dedicated to guaranteeing a place to live better!
Because us, all together make the difference.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs
This space has been designed to provide information to any concerns or questions that can be compared to services and living in Buckley Towers Condominium Inc., questions raised by tenants, owners of apartments or general public through media such as e email.
How can I make a suggestion?
We welcome homeowner input. We want to make improvements that further the value of everyone’s investment. Please use our contact us and send us your thoughts or suggestions.
How do I get a copy of the Rules and Regulations?
Just download Rules and Regulations. It’s that easy. The document section does not require a Log-in, so your tenant, a prospective buyer or a real estate agent can see this document.
How do my guests access the property?
Move closer to the Office, they will program your telephone # into the system; which will allow your guests to look up your name on the gate reader panel. When they choose the ID with your name it will ring your phone. To open the gate you will press 6 on your phone.
What are the parking restrictions?
a. Each unit is assigned a designated parking spot(s) through the manager.
b. There are also several guest spots located at the east side of the Condominium parallel to the 14 NE Avenue.
c. Every vehicle on the property needs to have a parking sticker or a temporary parking pass.
d. Owners may register their car or the car of their tenants with the property manager and receive a parking sticker.
e. Vehicles without the proper parking passes will be “booted”.
f. Management is not responsible for the removal of the boot.
What is pet policy for owners and tenants?
a. There is a 1 pet per unit limit;
b. The weight restriction is 15 lbs;
c. Owners and tenant must clean up after their pets;
d. Pets must be on a leash while outside of the Apartment;
e. Keeping the pet in good health and higiene.
f. Day must have certificates of vaccinations and be registered in the office.
What restrictions exist in the condominium documents on my right to use my Unit?
a. Units are for single family occupancy and are for residential use only.The number of ocupandes is according to the number of rooms (for further information regarding restrictions on use. Please See Ocupancy. and Unit.
b. Owners may keep no more than one (1) pets and no pet may exceed fifteen (15) pounds lbs in weight. (see pets and elevators)
c. Units May not be leased before of 24 months buying the apartment. Any tenant or new owner must be approved by the Association. For your admission to the condo required previous study of your application admission. (See lease or sell)
d. No trucks, jet skis, commercial vehicles, boats, boat trailers, campers, recreation vehicles or motorcycles are permitted to be parked on the condominium property without the prior written approval of the Association (See parking).
e. Inside the Condominium, and out of the apartment, Children under age 18 must permanently be accompanied by an adult. (See Children).
f. Not allowed moving in/out weekends, holidays or at night. (see mooving).
g. Not allowed nuisaces. (see nuisace).
h. Do not use the passenger elevators for cars, market carts, bicycles, moves, or transit of pets. Only cargo elevator. (see elevator).
i. It is not allowed to consume food and beverages in the pool, gym and sauna. (see Pool/ Gym/Sauna).
Where do I mail dues and other correspondence?
Dues are mailed to our Property Manager . You can also bring your dues directly to the bussines Office and in check of pay to the order of Buckley Towers or money order. The mailing address for all correspondence is 1321 NE Miami Gardens Dr, Miami, FL 33179.
Who do I contact if I have a common area maintenance concern?
Contact the Manager by phone at (305) 949 7266, Fax (305) 949 5702 or online through the Contact Us Inbox page on this website.