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Because us, all together make the difference.

Sun, Jun 30
Notification of Board of Directors and Residents Meeting

Time & Location
Jun 30, 2024, 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM
About the event
Board of Directors and Residents Legal Meeting
Location: East Building Conference Room and via Zoom
WATCH VIA ZOOM <-- Select WATCH VIA ZOOM to enter the meeting
Agenda Items
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call / Establish Quorum
3. Proof of Notice of Meeting
4. Insurances Presentations
Browns and Browns Presentation (10 Minutes)
The Loomis Company Presentation (10 Minutes)
5. Property Manager / Management Update
Introduction of all four Proposals
Call of motion
6. Rules and Regulations
Presentation by Andrew Nidetz
Introduction of Grievance Committee Members
7. Pets Committee
Presentation by Marcela Patino and Julian Pineda)
Introduction of Pets Rules and Regulations
Call of motion
8. Parking Policy
Presented by Aleksej Nikitin, Natalia Zucchini and Dayron Beltran
9. Board Member Performance Review
Review of Board Member's Objectives, Achievement, Attendance
Call of motion
10. Open Public Forum for discussion
11. Adjournment