Our work is dedicated to guaranteeing a place to live better!
Because us, all together make the difference.

Moving in/Moving out
For first time move/ins or move/outs a $150.00 fee is applicable each time.
Move in/out payment(s) are due by Money Order or Cashier’s check (Please make it out to Buckley Towers Association. (this fee is non-refundable).
You must schedule your Move-in/out or deliveries with the Association office at least 24 hours prior to intended date of delivery.
Permitted Hours are Monday thru Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

There are three high speed elevators located in the center core of of each building - Two passenger elevators and a service elevator.
Only the service elevator in each building may be used for the carrying of freight, furniture and heavy loads under the supervision of the management.
Supplies, goods and packages of every kind are to be delivered to apartment units only through the service entrance of the building and only on the service elevators.
Trunks, heavy baggage, shopping carts, bicycles, baby carriages, etc. shall be taken in or out of the building by the service elevator only.
Persons in bathing attire must use the service elevator only.
Persons carrying pets, or with pets on a leash, must use the service elevator only.
All elevators are for the use and convenience of the residents of Buckley Towers. Children are prohibited from playing or loitering in the elevators.
Elevators shall not be held at a floor for loading or unloading.
When the elevator arrives at your floor, if you are not ready to make use of it, please release it for the convenience of others. Another high-speed elevator will be available when you are ready.
In the event of a power failure, the emergency generator will automatically operate the elevators. Should there be a momentary interruption of service, stay calm. Service will be restored in a matter of minutes.
In the event of elevator mechanical failure, there is an emergency alarm button located in each elevator cab to signal for help.
Also, the elevator maintenance company phone number is indicated on the intercom in the lobby for emergency calls.