Our work is dedicated to guaranteeing a place to live better!
Because us, all together make the difference.

Here you will find all the activities or events that were carried out, are carried out, or are going to be carried out during the year, such as maintenance work, service outages due to damage or repairs, Board meetings, Owners' Assemblies, or organized social activities. or approved by the Board and that influences the community.
For this reason, it is important that residents and owners are aware.
You can sufely consult this calendar for your information and take the appropriate measures.
Learn about the business suites operating within Buckley Towers Condominium Inc. market, beauty salon, printing, etc.
As a social service to our community, these links have been selected where you can check about:
check-tax-status, Register to vote, Get or renew a passport, Find government benefits and financial assistance.
Healthcare. You can enroll in medicare or change plans if you have certain life events or income, or qualify for Medicaid or CHIP, or, Lost Medicaid or CHIP? Get Marketplace coverage.
Check the official owner's registration of the unit. Make the property tax payment.