Our work is dedicated to guaranteeing a place to live better!
Because us, all together make the difference.

Speed limit 10 miles.
Distribution of parking lots: OWNNER AN RESIDENTS: white painting Concrete spot stop.; GUEST: yellow Painting concrete spot stop; CONTRACTOR: yellow color whit the word ¨CONTRACTOR¨.; STAFF PARKING and COMERCIAL SUITS: On demarcated area near to office along the lake area.
Each apartment has one (assigned parking space).( white color)
No more than two (2) vehicles are allowed per apartment, The second vehicle must park in the gest parking area (yellow color) without any garantee of availability.
Each vehicle must be registered whit the association office in order to legalli park in the property and will be affixed whith vigent decal into their vehicle.
Straight-in Parking and You always must parkthe car front the concrete spot stop, not on reverse.
All cars parked need to have decall permited in the windshied or on their dashboard a Buckley Towers Temporary Pass (Visitor - guest, rental car or contractor). Illegally parked vehicles will be towed away at owner´s expenseve.
No recreational/commercial vehicles are allowed to park in the Property without office approval.
Rental trucks can NOT be parked on the premises overnight without office authorization.
Illegally parked vehicles will be towed away at vehicle owner’s expense.
Parking Guest
The guest parking spots are painted in yellow color on concrete stop. these are located in the rear of the East Building and parallel to 14th Avenue, as well as in front of the lake in the eastern part of the condominium.
Contractor Parking Spots and Staff Parking Area
The Contractor Parking Spots are in North East of condominium.These are painting in yellow color whit title "CONTRACTOR".
The available squedule of these parking lots for contractors' use is from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
The visitor contractor neet to have on the dashboard a Buckley Towers Temporary pass. If do not have the pass, the vehicles will be towed away at vehicle owner's expense.
Visitors to the commercial local or suits that operate in Bucley Towers Condominium Inc. The visitor can park in the East area facing the lake demarcated as Staff parking area.
The owners or residents can not park in the parking area of the Staff in the hours of operation stated in the relevant notices that frame that area.
If all visitor parking spaces are occupied, the resident's second car may use one of the Contractor Parking spots or Staff parking spot area at the following this schedule and conditions:
1.- From Monday to Saturday these spaces can be occupied after 5:00 PM. These spaces must be vacated before 8:00 AM the after day.
2.- On Sundays and holidays, the Contractor Parking spots may be occupied by the second car of a resident or visitors at any time, but the space must be free the before 8:00 AM of after day.
Loading or Unloading Zone

Any vehicle which is parked in a numbered parking space which has been assigned to a specific unit, which vehicle is not owned by the owner of that specific unit to which that parking space has been assigned (or the owner’s tenant in the event that the unit is rented) shall be towed without notice by the owner of the assigned parking space.
All unattended vehicles in front of the main building shall be towed at owner’s expense.
All motorcycles, motor bikes, and motor scooters must be in their assigned parking spaces or in guest parking, otherwise they will be towed away at owner’s expense.
All vehicles that do not have a valid license plate or flat tires will be towed after owner has been notified. Owner will be excluded upon notifying the office of their absence from their condominium and shall notify Buckley Towers upon their return to the community.
The manager and/or Security Guard has the authority to tow any vehicle in violation of the towing rules and regulations.